Tuesday 18 December 2012

How we spend our time

My task was to conduct a survey about peoples` usual activities and find out what amount of time it takes. Results are the following:
 Sleeping. This takes most of the time. On average working people wake up at 6 a.m. and go to bed at 11 p.m. Students wake up at the same time and fall asleep a little later, about 12 p.m. On weekends everybody sleeps till 10-11 a.m and stay up to 12 p.m.
Work and studies. Toiling masses commonly start their working day at 9 a.m., have their lunch from 1 to 2 p.m and finish at 6 p.m. Students have to be present at the institute at 8 a.m and till 2 p.m their time is dedicated to acquiring new knowledge. Afterwards they usually come home and spend few hours making home-tasks.
Housework. Work about the house never ends. It may take from 2 to 4 hours a day, depending on the size of your flat or house and quantity of people and animals living there. Women work about the house everyday, and men barely help them.
Hobbies. This is very essential part of life. This may be active one – like sports, and may be calm one – like arts, books etc. Majority of my relatives adore sports and dedicate about 4 hours a week to fitness room.
Meals.  At least 3 hours a day are dedicated to cooking and about 2 hours a day are busy with the process of eating 
Leisure. Great deal of people who surround me belong to students. They like to spend their time in the cinema – about once – twice a week. Adults prefer visiting theaters. Once –twice in a month. TV is also in favor. People spend the evening near TVset, watching shows and films – this takes about 2 hours a day.
Phone. Everybody in modern society has a mobile phone. Usually people spend about 1-2 hours talking phone.
Internet. This is like a drug for people from 10 to 30-40 years old. Majority of us spend 4-5 hours a day in the web.

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