Tuesday 12 February 2013

The Grand Canyon

Good day! According to the text in the textbook, the Grand Canyon (USA) is one of the places to visit before you die.

How about watching a video so that you could have a glimpse of its marvelous beauty?

Leave a comment with at least one adjective which best describes what you have seen. (Use your imagination and avoid such common adjectives as "beautiful" and "great", please.) 


  1. I had heard some information about the Grand Canyon before I watched this video. I knew that it is a so-called system of rocks. When I was watching the video I had an impression that the Canyon is not a natural wonder of our planet, I thought that it is an individual planet composed of the majestic cliffs. So I have found myself in the midst of country of the marvelous beauty. Surprisingly a huge space of the Canyon is not an abyss in the ground. It is filled with an accumulation of rocks that have a bizarre form. I can’t mention the river system in that peculiar area. I think the noise of the water and the wind which howled through the gorge make a life feeling to that rather to my mind deserted place.

  2. Breathtaking, unmatched, magnificent, stunning, splendid, majestic and bewitching!

  3. If it's such an angelic place through the camera, than I will do my best to visit until I die. It's charming, appealing, somewhat "shapely" ) It's definetely one of the most inspiring places in the world, where people feel like they want to go back to it over and over. Astonishing!

  4. Fabulously, imposing, amazing, marvellous and incomparable.
