Friday 7 September 2012

Vladislav's Introduction

I really liked the post called "Let's start". I always get excited when it's time to create anything like this. Firs of all, I want to mention that I tried to be honest, but then I realised that this resource has a limited amount of words you can type in for into-speech-transformation, therefore my introduction ends so suddenly.

I have so much information to share. I think I'll do it after a while if I have time. My first post in not very informative, but the Internet connection does not allow me to write heavy thing. It just won't send it. When I get home, I'll compose a bigger, much more interesting and extremely uplifting post. I'm extremely thrilled and want to see your speaking avatars too.

From Vlad with great love.
Bye for now.

P.S. I got so much pleasure doing this task.
Thank you, Maria Vladimirovna

1 comment:

  1. Vlad, great job! I'm looking forward to your future posts. Actually, you can not only publish the tasks I give you, but also any information which you find interesting and are eager to share. As for the limited number of words, you can use the option of recording your own voice instead of into-speech-transformation. In this case you will have an opportunity say more in your introduction, if I'm not mistaken. One more thing: use your name among other labels to your posts so that it is convenient to find all your publications if necessary.
