Wednesday 5 September 2012

Let's start!

Now you are first year students at the Department of Foreign Languages at Tavrida National University! Congratulations! This is our blog, where you will have an opportunity to publish the results of your study such as essays, presentations, videos, and share them with your groupmates. Your first task will be to introduce yourselves via speaking avatars. To create an avatar follow the link on the right. When you are ready, publish your speaking avatar on the blog. Here is mine:

Don't forget to give your post a title and labels and to comment on the avatars of the other students. Remeber that comments should be polite, informative and constructive.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing! When I saw this post I got excited. I will try to do my best in a short period of time. The task in awesome and the blog in general is very powerful. You start feeling the English language atmosphere when you do such things. I am actually full of hope and faith! I am quite sure that this is the best department of Tavrida National University where you can learn languages, broaden your horizons and progressively develop as a personality.
