Sunday 14 April 2013

Family Vocabulary

Since the unit we are studying deals with twins, genes, life events and, ultimately, family, let's brush up your family vocabulary. Here is as full a list as I could compile. Translating some of the words and expressions into Russian may present a problem, so be sure to check them in a monolingual dictionary and to be able to explain the meanings in English. Learn the vocabulary for a dictation.


  1. second cousin - a child of a cousin of your mother or father - троюродный брат/сестра

  2. once, twice, etc. removed - belonging to a different generation: first cousin once removed - ребенок двоюродного брата/сестры, двоюродный племянник; first cousin twice removed - внук двоюродного брата/сестры

  3. birth mother - the woman who gave birth to the child who has been adopted - биологическая мать
    natural - related by blood: natural mother - родная мать

  4. to foster - to take another person's child into your home for a period of time, without legally becoming his or her parent: foster family - патронатная семья

  5. great-aunt - двоюродная бабушка, great-niece - внучатая племянница

  6. immediate family - parents, children, siblings
    extended family - a family group with a close relationship among the members that includes not only parents and children, but also aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc.
    blended family - a family that consists of two people and their children from their own relationship and from previous ones
