Sunday 28 April 2013

My lifeline

     I was born in Simferopol in 1995. About a year later, my mother came out of the maternity leave, so I had been living with my grandparents for 2 years. There I spent the happiest moments of my childhood. When I was 4, I began to attend dance club. That year I first took part at concert and it was very exciting. At the age of 6, I went to the 1st class. I met a lot of friends and acquaintances, with whom I still keep in touch. I also started to attend hand-make club at school. 2011 year was special for me, as that year I met my bestfriend. I had to study a lot and harder in 2012, as I had to finish school with good marks and went to University. Now I'm extremely glad that my plans and dreams came true!

1 comment:

  1. What an adorable collage you have created! Unfortunately, I cannot say that about the story. For the first, it conveys almost no emotion. Secondly, I don't agree with the choice of events. You mention attending handicraft club, but you say nothing about starting learning English, though you have chosen English to be your future profession.
