Monday 19 November 2012

How I spend my time!

In today’s fast-moving world we have a lot of to do, so in my opinion time is by far what we’re all really short of these days.
As for me I’m not always happy how I use my time, I think I could spend it better. Basically almost all my time I spend doing my homework, for the same reason I use the Internet a lot. I also spend my time doing housework such as cleaning  floors , washing dishes  and vacuuming carpets , but it isn’t my mother’s requirement I do it because I just  love when the house clean. It’s a pity that I have   little spare time, if I have some I try to spend it usefully. I do physical activities such as cycling, jogging, skating and playing volleyball. As now it’s getting colder and colder I spend less and less time for sport and it’s also quite hard for me to get up at 05.30 and do some exercise.
   Unfortunately, I don’t always have enough time for my hobbies dancing and reading.  Frankly speaking, the other thing on which I’d like to spend my time is hanging out with my friends. We see each other only at the weekends or even rare as some of us study in others cities.
All in all, I think I’m a lucky one as I have no time to do nothing.


  1. The paradox is that the more activities you cram into your day, the more time you have, it seems. Those people who do nothing still complain that they are short of time.
    Don't you feel it's too long to be one sentence? "I also spend my time doing housework such as cleaning floors , washing dishes and vacuuming carpets , but it isn’t my mother’s requirement I do it because I just love when the house clean."
    I spend less and less time on sport"
    "or even more rarely"
    Nastya, mind your punctuation!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Nastya, do you still get up at half past five????? It seems really impossible for me!
    By the way, I understand your happiness when you say you don`t have time to do nothing! If you had, it would be just boring.
