Monday 26 November 2012

How Ukrainians Spend The Time

This survey revealed some average activities Ukrainian people spend time on. I’ve asked 25 people including 5 pensioners over 60 years old and 4 children about 12 years old. The vast majority of interviewees are under-aged students of the Tavrida National University.
The main time-taking part of the day is sleep. Sleep takes an average person about 8 hours a day, which is approximately the third part of all time. The second popular way of spending time is watching television. On average, it takes about 3 to 4 hours a day to watch favourite TV shows and series. As pensioners have more spare time than anyone else, most of them spend about 5 to 6 hours a day watching the soap operas and other programs.
It’s startling that the vast majority or interviewed students spend at least 1 hour a day reading for pleasure. Anyway, about 45% do not consider reading as an important part of their weekly activity. Surprisingly, 88% of children under the age of 12 read more than their older companions. Moreover, 95% of pensioners prefer newspapers to book.
99% of interviewees generally get up about 6 o’clock usually to have enough time to eat in the morning and wrap their bag for school or university. Being a great thrill, most pensioners get up early daily, including weekends, whereas 95% of younger generation’s representatives usually sleep until 10 a.m.
The vast majority, 90% stay up late daily because of studying or communicating with friends via social networks. Most of students, 98% don’t eat in the morning before university or school. Pensioners, all of a sudden, eat just 2 times a day instead of recommended norm of 3-to-5 ingestion.
According to the held survey, most people spend about 33% of their time sleeping, watching TV takes 23%. 20% of all time is studying (intellectual work), which includes reading as a broadening-horizons activity. About 15% of time takes leisure, which is different with most of the pensioners, whom it takes about 20-25%. The rest part of time, about 10%, is covered by different less time-taking things, such as eating and cooking, for instance.


  1. Vlad, you've involved quite a number of people and got some remarkable results.
    The Ukrainians
    underage students
    the main time-consuming activity
    a third of all time
    watching soap operas
    to gather their bags
    "rest" is a noun, so "the rest of the day" or "the remaining part of the day"
    "being a great thrill" is out of place here, as well as "all of a sudden"
    "ingestion" is too technical to use in the context, you meant "meals"
    to conduct / carry out a survey
