Sunday 18 November 2012

How I spend my time

My today’s work day compared to my school’s work day hasn’t changed very much. Since I have been student my alarm goes off at twenty to six, and my day starts. Studying takes most of my time. I come home an average at 3 o’clock and begin to prepare my homework at 4 o’clock. Doing homework takes from 4 to 6 hours. I don’t do it all the time, but sometimes it really takes all of my time. O course I digress by texting with my friends, chatting on the phone and using the Internet. I go to bed at 11 o’clock. My work doesn’t suit me. It is very boring and unhappy. All days are very similar. The same situation I had at school, but nevertheless I find out some time for handing out with my friends then. Studying at the university is more difficult than at school. Of course I want to spend less time doing homework, but I understand that now studies is one of the main points in my life, and my future depends from my today’s pains and work. Socialising makes the life of anyone more interesting and happy. And for me it is very important too. Unfortunately I can’t meet my friends every day and spend a lot of time with them. My friends also very busy. At the weekend we all meet together and have a good long talk.


  1. I'm so sorry much work makes you unhappy, Vika. I hope homework will take you less time, eventually.
    "School work day"
    Don't use "digress", use "break", "make breaks"
    "hanging out"
    "My work doesn't suit me" - You mean "I'm not satisfied"
    "depend ON smth"
    "My friends ARE also busy"

  2. Vika, I was greatly surprised and pleased to see the photo of our group here! I`m glad that you call us "my friends"!
