Saturday 17 November 2012

Yes, I am happy with the way I use my time!

How do we really spend our time? If we look out of a window we may see a lot of people who are in a hurry. It happens because most of them can`t plan their time properly. I also have an intensive timetable but in general I`m satisfied with the way I use my time.
The main thing in a life of every student is studying and most of us do our best to succeed in the chosen sphere of knowledge. I am not an exception. Every weekday I spend about an hour and a half doing my homework and preparing for the lessons. You may say that it is too little and you`ll be right. However, when it is a weekend I try to do my homework on all the subjects I can in order to relieve myself for the following week.As I am a rather active person I do a lot of other activities which take much time. For example, I spend about 6 hours per week attending photo courses and approximately 3 hours going to swimming pool.When it was warm enough I also went jogging. However, the weather became colder so I don`t have such an opportunity now. I really miss it because jogging charged me with energy.It is not strange that I may be tired after all these activities. However, I can`t live in the other way. If I have some free time I try to do anything but not just lie on a sofa and watch TV. Even when I want to watch this or that TV show I do it partially.Despite I like the way how I spend my time there is one thing which really annoys me. I hate travelling by bus. It takes too much time just sitting and doing nothing. I live in the suburb and I have counted that I spend about 10 hours per week en route. I try to use even this time, though. I learn new words or revise the material I learnt in the university.All things considered, I am very busy nowadays but I`m not sure I`ll ever be less busy than I am now. But in comparison with other people I have enough time to do things which I really like.

1 comment:

  1. Katya, your ability to manage your time is worth admiring!
