Monday 26 November 2012

My survey

My survey revealed that people in the age of 15 to 25 have enough free time. Sleeping, educational, leisure and sport activities take up more than half the day. People in this age group spend 8 hours sleeping, 4 hours for education, leisure and sport activities.
Watching TV is the leisure activity that occupies the most of the time (3 hours per day), accounting for about half of leisure time, on average, for age 15 and over. Socializing, such as hanging out with friends (going to the cafes, cinemas, theaters and grooming) is the next most common leisure activity, accounting for nearly three-quarters of an hour per day.
There are a little group of people who spend 2 hours of their time on joining some new hobbies such as: doing clothes, dancing, photography, making jewelry and gardening.
On an average day, nearly everyone age 15 and over engaged in some sort of leisure activity, such as watching TV, socializing, chatting on the phone, and girls like gossiping for many hours, shopping, listening to music and cooking. Time spends on reading for personal interest, playing games and using a computer for leisure is what our people do on a weekend.
Surprisingly, very few of my respondents feel that they waste their time. Some of them think that chatting on the phone and watching TV is the way to waste time. Also, some very hard-working students wants to waste one day of their limited life, they devoted it to relaxing and doing nothing, reading and walking.
We spend our time in mindless activities, especially on weekend and when we are tired or even exhausted.


  1. Nastya, you've done a great job on the pie chart! By the way, I wonder where students whom educational activities (both class and home) take only 3,4 hours study... They are definitely not students of our department, are they?
    "for age over and above"
    Why do you consider grooming to be a social activity?
    "There is a little group of people"
    "making clothes"
    "nearly everyone aged 15 and above is engaged"
    "students want.., they devote"
    What I don't like is the last sentence. It looks like a conclusion, but it isn't, in fact. Moreover, this generalization is far-fetched and somewhat pessimistic.

  2. In addiction, the title should reflect the subject of the survey, not the fact, that it belongs to you )))

  3. I really like everybody's pie chart! Such a great one! It is very comprehensive.
