Sunday 25 November 2012

How I really spend my time

Time, it seems, is what we're all short of these days. Now I want to tell you how I really spend my time. As you know I am a student and studying takes most of my time. 

I come home an average at 2 or 3 o’clock. Then I usually eat, but sometimes I can go to bed. Eating takes me about 20 minutes. Then I begin to do my homework. An average it takes me about 6-7 hours. But I try to make small breaks. At this time, I can listen to music, chatting on the phone with my family, with my boyfriend or drinking tea with my flatmate. 

To tell the truth I'm not happy with the way I use my time. Unfortunately, I don't have much spare time, because I try to study very hard.  I really like English and I want to teach little pupils, therefore I always find time for preparing lessons and doing my homework. But I want to spend less time doing it.

If I have a little bit more free time, I will make some sports because dream about perfect body.  Also I want to go out more with my boyfriend because he will leave soon and we won't meet for a long time.

I wanna spend more tome with my family, especially with my mother, because I understand how much I love her. I enjoy her company very much. One more thing, I dream about dancing too. I'm really into  it, and I'm going to use my spare time for it.


  1. Lena, I think that your dream about dancing is very natural, as it will be a great relaxation.
    I also understand that studying takes almost all the time, but we are philologists and it should enter into a habit. So hold on.

  2. Lena, the story is rather fragmentary. If you intend to describe your work day, start with waking up in the morning and finish with going to bed in the evening. Otherwise, it looks as if you don't do any household chores, do go shopping, don't take care of your appearance, etc. Moreover, you repeat the same idea - "studying takes much time".
