Saturday 6 October 2012

A hard-working man )

Here we go! This is my character adjective cloud. I'm going to answer some of your questions about the suitability of the depicted adjectives to my personality. First of all, I want to thank those of my groupmates who truely believe that I'm hardworking and intelligent. I hope it will come true as soon as possible, but at the current time I can't describe myself with these adjectives.
The most suitable adjectives are kind, sociable and talkative and, of course, ambitious. These are not the best ones a person can posses, but I enjoy this features of my character, I do. Naturally, as any other person on the Earth, I want to chage something about my character: add or remove (get rid of) some chrarcteristics. First of all, I want to become more down to the earth, because nowadays I am ambitious enough to spoil my own life.
I hope you liked my adj-cloud and I am desperately looking forward to seeing your ones.

From Vladislav with love


  1. Of course you ARE hard working! If you were not, you wouldn`t type such long comments and messages

  2. Personally, I would make the words "talkative", "outgoing" and "self-confident" the most prominent.

    1. I'm not sure wherther talkative is a positive or negative feature. It depends on a situation. But yes, you're right. You would become a good psycologist. You sense people well.

    2. By the way, "sense" is not used in this meaning, you'd better use "understand". "Understand - to know sb's character, how they feel and why they behave in the way they do".

    3. Thanks. But why can't we use "sense" the way I did? If I'm not mistaken, it mean to become aware of sth. even though you can not see it, hear it etc. (c) Oxford Advanced Learner's dictionary. It also give the examples: "She could sense how nervous he was" "She sensed that Tomas could convince anyone of anything"... "to sense danger". Why can't we sense character? ) Could you explain please )

    4. You are quite right about the meaning of the word, Vlad. However, the original phrase was: "You sense people well", and people are not something you can not see or hear or perceive with your senses. Moreover, there exists the collocation "to understand people", not "to sense people".

    5. Thank you so much for your brilliant explanation. I'll memorize this for good )
