Thursday 11 October 2012

Description of my zodiac sign


One of the main traits of Virgos` character is persistence. They try to do everything perfect whether they are at work or at home. Although they are too demanding and expect other people to perform work as good as they do. Another trait of Virgos` character is strong will-power which they usually apply in their work and at leisure. Virgos are down-to-earth and practical, they are just too busy to spend their time dreaming. These people are very active and by the end of the day they don`t have any strength to think about something lofty. Speaking about food Virgos are rather fussy. These people are usually health-conscious and they are very careful to the way they feel. Also Virgos are loyal friends. You can always rely on these people and be sure they will never reveal your secrets to others. Another good trait of their character is that they are very adventurous. You can call them at night and suggest any crazy thing to do. Be sure they`ll agree. Virgos are economical as well. But at the same time they are not greedy. These people will be the first ones who offer you financial aid if you really need it.


  1. Why isn't strong will mentioned at all? As far as I remember, you made it distinct in your character word cloud that it was the most prominent feature of your personality.

  2. Amazing job! But anyway, you're a strong-willed person, so it's better to insert such a wonderful characteristic into your star sign description.

  3. Katya, I didn't mean it was a mistake. Actually, I just wondered...

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
