Tuesday 2 October 2012

Create a "character word cloud"

Hello! Your new task is to create a "word cloud" from the list of character adjectives you have recieved. Here is an example of a word cloud, which I created:
You will create a word cloud about your own character as seen by your group mates.
  1. To do this, go to Wordle and print in the adjectives.
  2. Create your image, edit it as you like and make your Wordle larger on screen by clicking  the"Open in Window" that appears at the bottom of the Wordle image.
  3. Take a screenshot of the window by holding Alt button and pressing Print Screen (Prt Scn) at the upper right of your keyboard.
  4. Start "Paint", paste your image and save it in an appropriate format, for example JPG.
  5. In case you need more detailed instructions on how to take a screenshot, go to http://take-a-screenshot.org/.
    Now you've got an image of your Wordle and you can publish it here on the blog!
  6. P.S. You can add some comments as to the choice of adjectives your group mates have made. Do you agree with everything? Did some of the chosen words surprise you?

1 comment:

  1. Let me be the first. Finally, I've done it even though my laptop struggled a little bit, but it managed to make the adjective cloud. I faced the problem of Java plugin lack, so don't be afraid if you can't make it after the first try. Just follow the link your browser proposes you and download the necessary plugin.
    As for my opinion about the adjectives I was described with... I don't know what to say. Hopefully, it is the true information about myself, but I'm not sure about all the positive characteristics my groupmates used. I was surprised that I seem to be hard-working... Well, I'm trying as desperately as possible to work daily, but it's hardly possible for my personality. I always have plenty of important stuff to do ) But I'm truly responsible.
