Friday 19 October 2012

Best friend

I  almost sure that  all of us have a person, whom he can call friend and luckily I’m not an exception. So, I’m going to tell you about my close friend – Nikita. We  had known  each other for about 12 years, but became real friends only 2 years ago.

Nikita is rather handsome and good-looking boy. He usually wears casual clothes, but for special occasions he wears smart clothes. In his teens he is medium – height about 1, 79 cm and medium built. He always keeps fit, as he attends sport club.

He has got short dark haircut. His beautiful blue eyes are full of cheerfulness and energy. You never see him sitting in one place, he is always in motion. What makes him more charming is his pretty dimples on his cheeks and of course his sincere smile.

He’s very easy-going and resilient. Nikita is person with a great sense of humor.  He always tries to talk about what his partner is interested in, even if he sees person for the  first time . It’s one of his features which impressed me, as for it’s quite difficult to feel comfortably in stranger’s company. Never the less he’s very reliable. He never brings you down. Nikita is always responsible for his actions. And I appreciate it. In my case Nikita is a good shoulder to cry on, he know how sensitive and even humble I could be. If I have problems, he never leaves me, otherwise always hear me out if it’s need give me piece of advice and of course supports  and cheers with good words. Nikita tries to help me to overcome my complexes. Unfortunately everyone has its own drawbacks and Nikita isn’t an exception. Sometimes he tends to be a bit demanding to himself and to others. He always wants to do all the best. No mistake should be permit. If something goes wrong he becomes impulsive and aggressive.

Nikita is very versatile person. He enjoys traveling. His favorite occupation is going to wild places. I never share this hobby. I’m too cowardly for such experiments.  He also likes to create new programs for computer s and other gadgets. I usually turn for help to him, as I’m not very good in it. Moreover he’s interested in literature and cinematography. We can spend tremendous amounts of time discussing it.

Unfortunately, now we don’t see each other as much as we would like to, as Nikita entered the University in another city and doesn’t have a possibility to go home often, so we keep in touch through the Internet.  But I hope we always will be friends. All in all I appreciate our friendship, it means a lot for us.


  1. Nastya, what I like about your essay are its good structure and being personal. I am sure that Nikita is a reliable friend and a worthy person. As for spelling and grammar, there are some mistakes to be corrected. You tend to omit articles: “whom he can call a friend”, Nikita is a rather handsome and good-looking boy”, “he attends a sport club”, “He has got a short dark haircut”, etc. You forget to use the –s in 3rd person singular Present Simple: “he knows”, “always hears me out“, “gives me a piece of advice”. There are also some errors in the usage of prepositions: to be good at smth., to turn to smb. for help, to keep in touch over / via the Internet, to mean a lot to smb. “Nevertheless” is spelt in one word.
    Punctuation: “nevertheless”, “unfortunately”, “moreover”, “all in all” are conjunctive adverbs and should be set off by commas.

  2. Thank you for these useful comments. Next time I will try not to do such kinds of mistakes!
