Thursday 18 October 2012


I don’t think that kind of person you are depends of the time of the year you were born. Sometimes traits of character that are inherent sign coincide with the true nature of person. I’m a Virgo according to the zodiac sign. And as I’ve said before not all features of character of this sign inherent me. Virgo is the most practical sign of the zodiac. Virgos are hardworking people. They can’t sit idle. Of course I like doing nothing but not much time because I get bored. Virgos are wonderful performers capable to perfect their technique for years. I’ve draw since childhood and I do it nice. I get new knowledge from books and perfect them in practice. The most important decisions in their life Virgos made based on the judgment‚ ability to calculate the situation. They don’t take into account emotions‚ intuition prompts. And really I don’t live for the day‚ I always think about my future. I try to take any information adequality and safely although I very sensitive person. Virgo is not very confident. Their faith in themselves reassess as far as getting the result.It is very important to me to be necessary. I like to please my close‚ help without being asked. Virgos are very independent, they try to kept and save their independence from all. Also these people are quite reserved and secretive. They don’t reveal their feelings even to the closest people. Virgos prefer to stay away from the crowd, it is difficult for them to relax in society. People according to this zodiac sign are modest, they also calm and tender. Virgos never try to draw attention to themselves. These people are very reliable friends and colleagues, you can always rely on them. Virgos are critical, but they don’t see their own shortcomings.

1 comment:

  1. Vika, I'd like the story to contain more adjectives we have been studying.
